Screenplay: 1001

Genre(s): Drama, Dark Fantasy

Logline: Six-year-old Nick fears the snowmen outside, a fifteen-year-old neighbor says he knows their story, it seems farfetched, but then again, is it?

Screenplay Placements: Nashville Film Festival SemiFinalist, Cinequest SemiFinalist,

Page Count: 17

Subject Matter: Childhood Fears

Reasons This Would Be Difficult To Make: Complicated visual effects that bring inanimate objects to life, A snowy winter setting in a residential city neighborhood, Three child actors.

Script X Match

Directory of High Quality Short Screenplays

Screenplay Listings Are Free. Screenplay Needs to Meet Listing Requirements

Screenplay: 1002

Genre(s): Science Fiction, Drama, Comedy

Logline: When Mike gets an incorrectly made sandwich and callous treatment every day, from the only place that lunch is sold, he gathers the courage to question authority.

Screenplay Placements: Page Screenwriting Awards Finalist

Page Count: 19

Subject Matter: Near-Future Dystopian World

Reasons This Would Be Difficult To Make: Visual effects for locations and atmosphere, Institutional building interiors.

How it Works?

Script Match is a Free Service. Matching Short Screenplay Writers with Short Film Directors. Screenwriters can list screenplays to be considered by filmmakers with a track record. Filmmakers, Directors, can find quality screenplays for their next project.

In order for a screenplay to be listed, it must have placed in a reputable screenplay competition.

To list your screenplay, fill out the Screenplay Information Form. Along with proof of your screenplays competition placement. The placement must be listed publicly on the festivals/competitions website.

Script Match lists screenplays anonymously. Showing the logline, genre(s), page count, your top festival/competition placements (limit 3), subject matter, and an explanation of why it would be difficult to make. In this way, screenwriters communicate with filmmakers that can deliver what the project requires.

Your name and the screenplay title remain private unless you intentionally disclose it in the entry forms "public" fields.

Directors who are interested in a screenplay should fill out the Filmmaker's Information Form. Which lists information about their film, its film festival selections (limit 3), plus the reason for their interest in the selected screenplay, and their contact information.

When we receive a Filmmaker query, we forward it to the screenwriter. Once the screenwriter has been notified, it is up to the screenwriter to consider whether they wish to respond. We do not follow up with screenwriters or encourage them to respond. That is solely up to them.

Both writers and directors should do their own research about the other party, to determine if they are interested in working with them, and respond at their own discretion.

Once the filmmaker's information is forwarded to the screenwriter, Script Match has no further involvement. The Screenwriter and director work out the details of their collaboration on their own. Script Match strongly encourages everyone to do full research on the other party. We're a free service and we do not research the backgrounds of the writers and directors. Script Match requires screenplay competition and festival placement to establish project and participant credibility. However, we have no control over whether someone misrepresents themselves.

All that Script Match requires for making the writer filmmaker connection is that we receive credit in the completed film and that we can promote our successful matches. We would also hope that you would tell others about Script Match when asked about how the collaboration started.

Any listing submissions that are not completed in full are discarded. For writers and filmmakers, festival/competition placement must be verifiable on the competition's website. Screenplays must have achieved a QuarterFinalist status or greater.

Our goal is simple. Connecting quality writers with quality directors.

Script X Match

Writers, List Your Short Screenplay To Collaborate With Short Filmmakers

Helping Short Filmmakers And Short Screenplays Find Each Other

Filmmakers, Reach out about Screenplays You Have An Interest In

Screenplay Listings Are Free. Screenplay Needs to Meet Listing Requirements

Additional Submission Notes

For Screenwriters, fields tagged "Public" will be listed on the website. For Filmmakers, none of your information will be listed on the website, however, all of your information will be forwarded to the screenwriter of the screenplay you inquire about. Once Script Match forwards filmmaker information to the writer, we have no further involvement in the project. Your collaboration is worked out between the two of you. Read the "How it Works" section on this page.

  • Any listing submissions not fully and properly filled out will be discarded.

  • Festival & Competition Placements must be verifiable on the festival/competition's website.

  • Screenplays must have achieved a QuarterFinalist status or greater in order to be listed.

Screenplay Listing

Filmmaker Inquiry

Script X Match