Films selected for the ShortList Short Film Competition are selected across categories. They are not selected within genre categories. Genre categories are used only to provide the Judges with a way to navigate towards films that align with their areas of cinematic interest.

For example: the list of selected films could start something like this: Drama, Animation, SciFi, Documentary, …

The ShortList Short Film Competition entry categories are listed below:

Entry Categories

The 2024 ShortList Short Film Competition

The ShortList Short Film Awards cartoon mascot.
The ShortList Short Film Awards cartoon mascot.
  • Drama, or Comedy

  • Action, or Adventure

  • Fantasy, Science Fiction, or Thriller

  • Family Film

  • Documentary

  • Animation

  • Horror (We do not consider films with explicit and graphic violence, or gore focused horror.)

  • Narrative Short (When a film doesn’t neatly fit into a category, choose Narrative Short.)

  • International Films - (Australia, Canada, EU, Japan, & UK) - Non US films should list themselves as International, plus all applicable genre categories. The regular submission fees apply to films produced or co-produced in or with Australia, Canada, Japan, the UK and all EU countries.

  • International Films – Qualifying Countries (All countries EXCEPT Australia, Canada, EU Countries, Japan, & UK) (30% Discount) - The category International Films - Qualifying Countries is for films that were produced or co-produced with NO CONNECTION to Australia, Canada, EU Countries, Japan, the United Kingdom, or the United States. Any film claiming this discount and having a connection to one of these countries will be disqualified.

For additional submission information, reference The ShortList Short Film Competition rules page.

Submit At ShortList

Submit At FilmFreeway